My target audience would be Men 18 and up. I would use social media like Facebook for
other to converse, I would like to use Instragram to show photos of clothing,
watches and styles, but I would want my YouTube channels to be my main focus. I choose ages 18 and up because that when
most adults have access to credit cards, and a lot of our product that we are
showcasing are products that can be purchased.
Most of our products will be clothing, other products include, watches,
wallets, socks, etc…To get a feel of what the customer wants I would like to do
surveys and use the company “Survey Monkey” and with that data I would make
proper changes where need be.
So I started by opening up 4 random websites and looked at each one, from there I determent which on I thought were terrible and which two I thought were done well. When examining them I looked for several things, how does the website overall look? Is it clear what there business is for and or what they are advertising? Is the site organized? Is there an easy way to get contact information? After taking about ten to fifteen minutes on each on website, looking around, making sure I was sure about my decision, this is what I came with. Worst Out of the four that I opened I have to say that Gates N Fences had, in my opinion the worst of the websites and here is why. Unorganized, I didn’t know where to look, there were articles in different fonts and sizes, the title screen was small and the pictures that were there were everywhere. The second thing that just did not make sense to me was there bar tab on the left side, with the different color and differ...
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