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Week 2A: Social Media

I think all social media is geared to personal use, my answer is more towards an “and” than an “or”, that social media is used for personal use and business use.  I can only think of one social media site that is a lot more business than it is personal which would be LinkedIn.  I believe this because it would seem that most social media were made at first to be primarily for personal use, but others have capitalized on its popularity and have been able to make great business investments in social media.  A great example would be how a small coffee show may promote their twitter account to customers, to watch for discounts and such, by having them as followers there would spread the word and this small coffee shop could see a 20% increase in customers just by having a twitter account and posting promotions, drinks and employees.
As for which specific site works better for business, it really depends on several factors, like who are your customers? Who do you want your future customers to be? What do you want them to see you as?  These matters when making a decision on which media site you want to do.  Example would be if you wanted an older demographic you would pic site like Facebook, Tumblr, and or Youtube, you would choose these types because these are older social media site that have been a long for a while and an older generation would more than likely use.
They can work best for both personal and business, I think Facebook has proven that.  You could own a farm and sell eggs and milk, and on your page you could sell your products but also show pictures and video of life on the farm and how the chicken and cows are treated.  By doing that you show the customer more and it can feel just as personal as it is business.  It’s all how you want your message to come across and audience you care to show it too.  It works the other way too, you could be on Instagram talking about how you care for the environment but than seen in a video where you throw away a cup on the floor.  This can confuse your audience and or customers and cause them to not know and or not believe in the message that you were originally trying to send.


  1. Good afternoon Marc,
    I enjoy reading your opinion on the use of social media, it is called social media for a reason. Therefore, I agree social media is used for both personal and business.
    Sincerely, your CSIT 155 classmate
    Jesus E. Origel

  2. Hi!
    I like how mentioned that social media allows business to make their product more personal to their consumers. Before social media there was always some disconnect and formality between seller and consumer, but social media has bridged that gap. I enjoyed reading your comments on this topic!

  3. Which social media sites do you/would you use for your business ventures? I manage Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WordPress.

  4. I really enjoyed reading your blog post and agree that social media was created originally for personal use rather than for promoting businesses. It definitely has evolved throughout its growth into being beneficial for both personal posts and business posts though. Like you stated above the "best" sites differentiate based off the customer or audience and that is definitely a key factor for which sites or apps you should use. Great job and look forward to reading more of your posts!


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