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Week 3 Part 1

I have had difficulties in communications when it comes to businesses.  But to be fair it usually due to my lack of knowledge with the over all subject or a generation gap on the product and or person.  Like all communications, if we are not all in the same page then it will just become more and more difficult, may become irritating and just feel like you want nothing to do with business.  I remember in 2007, It was my first time having my own internet and paying for it, and for some reason my internet was not doing so well, it would go on and off.  So I called the company that was providing me with internet and I recall that conversation where at first I was confused, then irritated, than just overall upset with in 20 minutes.  We just could really understand each other, and to be frank, the man was rude and impatient with me.

Social media makes it A LOT EASIER to solve problems, but a lot harder to get noticed.  I hear a lot of teachers/ professors say “lets go to Google university”, pretty much indicating how all answers seem to be in Google, always make me laugh on how true that statement really is.  You can look problems up on Google and find solutions and if you’re really lucky you can even get a Youtube video on it.  The reason I say that it is a lot harder to get noticed in social media is because how how saturated it has become with so many people trying to get other peoples attention using social media.  It was not always like that, but with the growth of social media and seeing how much other have had success in it, it wasn’t difficult to see why a lot how tried.

Social media has heled me in communicating with businesses, it happened to me recently.  There is a Youtuber who was describing a product, he was talking about headphones and giving a report how the good and the bad things about the headphones. I watched the whole video and realize that there was a question that he didn’t answer that I wanted to know.  So, I wrote a comment on the video and asked my question there, the next day we kindly answered my question and thanked me for asking the question.

If I had my own business I would want to answer just negative comment to be honest.  I think the best example of this are hotels that are on the Las Vegas strip.  No matter what social media has a review on them you will see a lot of these hotels answering to them.  Usually they apologize for you bad experience and would like you to call them to talk to them more about what happened during your stay.  It makes the customer think that you really care about her/his opinion.  Make you feel important and that you will help the hotel be better.  The hotels know that it is their reputations on the line, and they want to make sure that when others see that negative review, that they also see that the hotel knew and did something about it.

I wrote a review for a restaurant one time, I gave it a 2 out of 5 stars.  I wrote the review not because the food was bad but mostly because the service was horrible.  Thinking back on it now it makes it seem a bit unfair, because at first glance you would think seeing that it only has 2 stars that the food was bad, it is not until you read a bit and realize that I am talking about the service and not the food.  That the bad part of the review, the bad review could be written that has nothing to really do about the company and has more to do with your expectations.  We know that everyone has different expectations, high or low, so I encourage everyone to really look at some of these reviews and make sure they are actually reviewing the company.


  1. Good evening Marc,
    I agree with you, your point of view is quiet similar to mine. You bring up a good point the age gap, lack of knowledge, and patience plays a huge role in a experience communicating with a business through social media. Also its true social media allows problems to be solved easier but hard to be noticed due to over popularly.
    Sincerely, Your classmate
    Jesus E. Origel

  2. I don't think your review was unfair, when purchasing a product, service has a factor too and some programs even allow customers to rate each factor and then it will average the score.
    Just recently I reviewed a ring that I bought and I gave it 4/5 stars not because of the craftspersonship, but because the description of the ring was extremely misleading and when I got it in the mail, I was very upset I had purchased a 14k gold plated ring. So I explained that in my review. That was two days ago, we'll see if the owner reaches out or not. I would hope that she will be open to feedback on how she labels her products when people are purchasing online.

    However, I totally agree with your last thought of the post that everyone should fully read the review rather than just taking the easy way out and looking at the star or point rating.

  3. Hi Marc! I really enjoyed reading your post and it is clear you put a lot of thought into what you were writing. I agree that is difficult learning how to use something when it is new to you, like social media, and especially when it is always evolving. I also agree that it is more effective for reaching out but it is definitely more difficult for getting noticed. I think this is because when there are so many comments yours can get lost and it is just 1 of 100+. Great job and look forward to reading more of your posts!!


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