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Showing posts from January, 2018

Week 1B

Hello for this weeks assignment I commented on 3 of the following students Blogs enrolled in the CSIT 155-SPRING 18 course, Blair Particelli, Iana Jackson, and Julia Domann.

Week1A: My Template

I chose this template for several reasons, but my top three reasons where because to me it was colorful, unique, and simple.  The first thing I noticed was the color, to me it was nice, calm colors that I thought best represented me with out really saying anything about me.  The colors are not used all that often which get is into my next reason that I chose this template which was it's uniqueness.  The color combination you do not see often now a days which to me makes it more desirable. The last reason was simplicity, its looks very easy to navigate without looking old fashion.  I think by having everything on the screen and not having to click something else to get there makes my blogging site easy and more comfortable to navigate though.  A lot of site have put a lot of things together to make an amazing, one of a kind site, but they make it at the expense of the viewer who might have a hard time getting to where he/she wants to get to.  I am excit...